Something is bothering me today. To bypass any possible confluences between myself and what could be the origin of the said disquietude, I will extricate this blog from its usual state of neglect.
This past Friday was really strange: I somehow managed to exhibit a few of my illustrations at a shop on Walnut Street called Naked Chocolate. Thirteen images of my creation are currently hanging on their walls, flanked by pounds and pounds of highly-fetishized foodstuffs.
The fabrication of The Peacock Gown was successful! I wore it to the aforementioned gala event. I do not have any photos of myself wearing it, which could be a good thing.
New Guy is coming along, slowly but surely. He now wears a cap. I need to give him a decent name...
Oh, I'm excited to start my next project.

Very excited indeed...
I can't think of a proper concluding statement for this entry, so I will allow this image of a zebra cookie to amiably draw things to a close. Mon 'Pate and I baked him last week, and he has yet to be consumed.
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